Monday, April 25, 2011

Sleep apnea is a medicine used for sleep disorders. There are many people who are suffering from this problem. In this disease a few seconds for people to stop breathing when sleeping and they just breathe out of deep sleep to come. This one hour after you go to sleep for several hours to get any real rest prevents the patient is 10 to 30 times. It should not be taken lightly at all because it is a serious problem with serious consequences.

Many instances a long time for high blood pressure and heart problems can cause other serious medical problems for a period to be nervous. Unfortunately no laboratory test to diagnose apnea sleep when the patient is awake, but there is nothing to find out if there are several ways this syndrome. Fortunately there are many different sleep apnea machines example, oral medication and surgery are treatments for this treatment.

If you really want to find out if you sleep apnea you should first check your lifestyle if you set a higher risk of having the disease. This condition is a very common factor is being overweight. Most obese people this problem so watch your weight, more than 40 men to the problem and post-menopausal women also suffer from this syndrome can be. Smoking or excessive alcohol consumption, one of the cause of the problem may be one of the factors. The disorder has a genetic link.

The tell tale signs of the disorder that usually the problem is people who snore loudly while asleep and wake up in a sweat. Watch out if you snore heavily and wake up a sweat. Patients with this condition, the day sleepiness in the sleep, becoming irritable, morning headaches and sudden mood swings that other visual indicators of this disease is choked. Follow these problems you should be treated accordingly if any are facing.

Their family members or roommates can help you find the problem as they are, who may first notice the problem. Ask your spouse or roommate to keep a check on you while sleeping. They can notice what you experience during sleep breathing pauses. They tell you about your snoring or if it is rhythmic changes can snorts with pauses.

Go to your doctor for a check. Your doctor your nose, throat and mouth and air travel by test will tell. You can also experience his / her sleep and other symptoms should tell you about. Your doctor for further treatment refer to a sleep center.

You can be a cure for your sleep disorder. If you want to use CPAP machines to get them to feature you as they can be very common. Sleep apnea machines you can use different types are available in what ever suits you.